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Dustin Rudolph, The Plant Based Pharmacist: The Empty Medicine Cabinet

Dustin Rudolph, The Plant Based Pharmacist: The Empty Medicine Cabinet

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Dustin is a pharmacist who prefers plants to pills. His transformation began in February 2009 with a routine visit to his podiatrist. The more he researched plant-based nutrition, the more he saw its accuracy shining through in his experiences. First, there were all the devastating chronic diseases that his family suffered with from their meat, dairy, and egg diet. Dustin himself, although young and relatively healthy, had migraine headaches and weighed about 10 pounds more than he wanted to. Second, he though about his patients, and how they don’t get better from drugs. They just come back for more medications. Its took Dustin about a year to become completely plant based. Dustin now enjoys a whole foods, plant-based diet with vegetables, legumes, fruits, grains, and nuts. He’s lost the weight, headaches, and chance of disease. He is the author of : The Empty Medicine Cabinet: The Pharmacist’s Guide to theHidden Danger of Drugs and the Healing Powers of Food. Check out his blog: website: for useful information. See larger image The Empty Medicine Cabinet: The Pharmacist’s Guide to the Hidden Danger of Drugs and the Healing Powers of Food New From: $16.95 USD In...

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Jill Nussinow, aka, The Veggie Queen

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3 PM PST Today Jill talks with Dr. Don about her new book: Nutrition CHAMPS. Check out her website: She wears many hats but they’re all related to great food that includes vegetables and other plant-based cuisine. She’s a vegetable and plant-food cooking expert, in vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free eating. Her specialty is vegan pressure cooking. Don’t worry about her turning you into a vegetarian; you have to do that on your own time. She just want to help you get more vegetables and plant foods into your diet, no matter what other foods you choose to eat. She has been teaching cooking at Santa Rosa Junior College for more than 20 years and at conferences across the country including Vegetarian Summerfest and the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival. Her type of cooking is uniquely her own but has commonalities with doctors such as John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell and programs such as the Engine 2 Diet and Forks Over Knives. However, Her goal is to everyone to think about eating a diet that is based on plants. As if she didn’t have enough to do, she truly enjoy new projects and exploring creative ways to bring vegetables and plant-based information to people. In addition to everything listed above she can design a private cooking class for you or your group. She is also available to be a spokesperson and represent your products or organization at events. If you are interested in finding out more about what she can do for you please contact her. See larger image Nutrition Champs: The Veggie Queen’s Guide to Eating and Cooking for Optimum Health, Happiness, Energy & Vitality New From: $19.95 USD In Stock,%20Nutrition%20CHAMPS.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |...

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Dr. Don is back! Today launches Dr. Don’s new radio program. The new format allows for more variety from all your favorite guests in the past as well as new guests to come. Today you will be listening to Dr. Don reintroducing Ellen Jaffe Jones, Mark Sutton & Super Nurse Sandy as co-hosts of the Dr. Don Show. We hope you are as excited as we are regarding the new format. Future shows will follow in much the same way with a variety of different topics. EVERY WEDNESDAY, DR. DON WILL BE ON AIR LIVE and you can call in with questions and or comments. Listen today from 3-4 PM PST: streaming>...

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Dr. Don Pod Casts Coming Soon

Dr. Don Pod Casts Coming Soon

Now that Dr. Don has some help in his Urgent Care Center, he is looking forward to doing pod casts and radio again. We will keep you posted. Have a happy & healthy New Year!

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Kris Holechek-Peters

Kris Holechek-Peters

Friday, March 21st, 2014. Hi, I’m Kris Holechek Peters and I am the author of six cookbooks. I am a vegan bak­ing fool cur­rently resid­ing in St. Paul, MN. When I’m not bak­ing, I’m read­ing, prac­tic­ing yoga, writ­ing or spend­ing time with my fam­ily. Things I like include: peanut but­ter and choco­late, kit­ten tum­mies and British tele­vi­sion. I have been bak­ing since the first moment I was allowed into the kitchen. My great-grandmother and my aunt were my foodie role mod­els grow­ing up and I learned count­less lessons from them in the kitchen, both in rela­tion­ship to the prepa­ra­tion of food and about food as com­mu­nion. Our fam­ily life revolved around some­one put­ter­ing around in the kitchen while every­one else sat around, chat­ting, laugh­ing and sam­pling the cook’s inventions. I believe in the impor­tance of food to both fam­ily and cul­ture, which is why cre­at­ing mind-blowing vegan cui­sine, specif­i­cally bak­ing, has been so impor­tant to me. When we sit down with oth­ers and share food, a bond is formed. And if that food is lack­lus­ter, well, that’s just down­right sad. Amaz­ing vegan food is not only pos­si­ble, it’s easy! Deli­cious food trans­forms skep­tics from think­ing, “Vegan cook­ies? Yuck, what’s in those? That’s gross.” to “Heck, these are great! What else you got?” I believe that no lifestyle or food intol­er­ance should keep peo­ple from hav­ing famil­iar treats nor should it keep them from shar­ing their treats with those around them. My end goal is to make things deli­cious, from scratch, and so authen­tic that no one can tell it’s “dif­fer­ent”. How­ever, mixed in there are plenty of healthy baked goods and reg­u­lar foods to tie you over until the next spe­cial occa­sion when you bust out all of the fat and sugar. Visit her blog at Audio to follow the...

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Nick Cooney, author of Veganomics

Nick Cooney, author of Veganomics

Thursday, March 20th, 2014. Nick Cooney is Director of Education for Mercy For Animals, a farm animal protection organization. A graduate of Hofstra University, Nick is the author of Change Of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change (Lantern, 2011) and Veganomics: The Surprising Science on What Motivates Vegetarians, from the Breakfast Table to the Bedroom (Lantern, 2014). He has lectured across the U.S. and Europe on effective animal advocacy, and his work for farmed animals has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including Time magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and National Public Radio.   See larger image Veganomics: The Surprising Science on What Motivates Vegetarians, from the Breakfast Table to the Bedroom (Paperback) List Price: $22.00 USD New From: $13.07 USD In Stock Used from: $7.30 USD In Stock AWS.InvalidParameterValue: 159056233X is not a valid value for ItemId. Please change this value and retry your...

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