
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3 PM PST Today Jill talks with Dr. Don about her new book: Nutrition CHAMPS. Check out her website:

She wears many hats but they’re all related to great food that includes vegetables and other plant-based cuisine. She’s a vegetable and plant-food cooking expert, in vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free eating. Her specialty is vegan pressure cooking.

Don’t worry about her turning you into a vegetarian; you have to do that on your own time. She just want to help you get more vegetables and plant foods into your diet, no matter what other foods you choose to eat.

She has been teaching cooking at Santa Rosa Junior College for more than 20 years and at conferences across the country including Vegetarian Summerfest and the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival.

Her type of cooking is uniquely her own but has commonalities with doctors such as John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell and programs such as the Engine 2 Diet and Forks Over Knives. However, Her goal is to everyone to think about eating a diet that is based on plants.

As if she didn’t have enough to do, she truly enjoy new projects and exploring creative ways to bring vegetables and plant-based information to people. In addition to everything listed above she can design a private cooking class for you or your group. She is also available to be a spokesperson and represent your products or organization at events. If you are interested in finding out more about what she can do for you please contact her.

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