Thursday, January 9th, 2014.

Tami Noyes, a long time vegan, grew up in a meat- and-potatoes family. After years of cookbook testing, Tami was honored to become an author herself. Her cookbooks show that she found her cooking niche in big, bold layers of flavor and compassionate, super satisfying food. To Tami, cooking is the kindest form of nurturing for the planet as well as all of us who live on it.

Tami is continually experimenting with ingredients and techniques that coax the most flavors from any dish. Keep up with Tami at her popular blog and on Facebook.

Audio to follow the interview.

Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day!: Revolutionary New Takes on Everyone’s Favorite Anytime Meal (Paperback)

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Grills Gone Vegan (Paperback)

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