
Tuesday, August 13th, 2013.

Mark worked at two pizza parlors out of High School and in College, and it was there that his initial interest in making pizza began. Years later, he became vegetarian, and after watching a friend make pizzas at home for a dinner party, became re-focused on learning to do the same himself in a non-restaurant environment. After going vegan, Mark began exploring making totally plant-based pizzas. During this period he came to the conclusion that a cookbook based on these recipes would help vegetarians kick the cheese need.

His approach in developing these recipes changed considerably when learning of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s 20+ years of peer-reviewed research demonstrating that a no-added fat plant-based diet can not only reverse heart disease, but in theory, prevent it. Mark decided to incorporate this knowledge into his recipes and make them all truly “heart healthy.”

Mark has been employed as the Visualizations Coordinator for two NASA Earth Satellite Missions, a freelance interactive multimedia computer consultant, an organic farmer, and head photographer. He’s developed media published in several major magazines and shown internationally, DVDs, websites, and managed/edited the recipes section of a cookbook. Mark has produced work for two Nobel Prize winners (on global climate change) and helped create UN Peace Medal Award-winning high school curriculum.