Tuesday, July 9th, 2013.

Dr. Diehl is a world-class speaker. His message is that people don’t have to die of Western killer diseases. His Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) has been conducted in several countries affecting entire cities, either “live” or via a sophisticated video set with certified CHIP facilitators. More than 40,000 graduates have learned how they can turn disease processes around. His research, published in peer-reviewed journals and medical textbooks, shows that most people with essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and heart disease can reverse these diseases and often become drug-free within weeks by simplifying their customary lethal American diet. In addition, overweight people learn how to eat more and lose weight on a permanent basis.

He was recently chosen by a national health magazine as one of America’s 20 superheroes in the health movement: “These scientists, through research, education, advocacy and public relations, have brought intelligent, well-reasoned new voices into the discussion of health care.”

Dr. Diehl is much in demand as a stimulating, dynamic, and entertaining speaker. His books, His books, Health Power, Dynamic Health, and Dynamic Living book & workbook (co-authored with Aileen Ludington), and the Optimal Diet Cookbook (with Darlene Blaney) have over two million copies in 19 languages in circulation and have been translated into 17 languages.

Audio to follow the interview

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